Jewel Jewel - Violet Eyes

It's been awhile since you've been around
I've been drifting like a gypsy from town to town
I've been to France and Rome I seemed to almost glitter domes
I'd lay beneath the Spanish summer skies
But I've seen nothing so lovely as your violet eyes
Do you recall the turquoise seas?
On the isles off the shore of Greece?

I've sworn I won't forget your exact smile or where we went Oh I'll see you in everything And everywhere I go I see your violet eyes...

Seasons come and seasons pass Time can seem as fragile as a looking glass Oh I know there must be something more constant than time Cause everywhere I go I see your violet eyes...

If I could write a postcard to you I know that somehow it would get through Not sure I could express this aching in my chest I guess that I'll always miss you And everywhere I go I see your violet eyes...

Seasons come and seasons pass Life can seem as fragile as a looking glass Oh I know there must be something more constant than time Cause everywhere I go I see your violet eyes...

It was a year ago last Christmas we spent in Hawaii We were aughing beneath the stars playing in the sand, laughing in the sea It will be a year coming this 4th of July when for the last time we held your hand and for the last time You closed your violet eyes...

Seasons come and seasons pass Oh Life can seem as fragile Oh as fragile as a looking glass I know that there is something more constant than time for at night when I sleep I feel you near me I see your eyes upon me I see your violet eyes.